Robert McBride Scholarship
(Teacher or Graduate Student)

The Robert McBride Scholarship is available to Physical Education, Health Education, Recreation and Dance Education teachers (or graduate students) currently employed in the fields of HPERD. The scholarship can only be used for attending the SHAPE America National Conference in the calendar year that the scholarship is awarded.  The due date is January 20th.  This $1500 scholarship is for registration, hotel, flight, taxi (to and from airport and hotel).  If driving to the convention, then cost of a flight or mileage-whichever is less. The reimbursement is payable upon proof of receipts of expenses.

Scholarship Eligibility: PROFESSIONAL MEMBER and/or Graduate Student

  • Be an IAHPERD member in good standing (through May 1st OF THE FOLLOWING YEAR).
  • Be an IAHPERD member for (3) consecutive years preceding application.
  • Be a member of SHAPE America or will join upon receiving this award.
  • Complete and submit proof of employment OR graduate student status, with form provided.

Robert McBride Application Form

 Application Form Word file

Maureen McBride Scholarship

The Maureen McBride Scholarship is available to Physical Education, Health Education, Recreation and Dance Education student majors currently studying in the fields of HPERD. The scholarship can only be used for attending the SHAPE America National Conference in the calendar year that the scholarship is awarded.  The due date is January 20th.  This $1500 scholarship is for registration, hotel, flight, taxi (to and from airport and hotel).  If driving to the convention, then cost of a flight or mileage-whichever is less. The reimbursement is payable upon proof of receipts of expenses.

Scholarship Eligibility:   STUDENT MEMBER (Graduate Students-Apply for Robert McBride Scholarship)

  • Be an IAHPERD member in good standing (through May 1st OF THE FOLLOWING YEAR).
  • Be a member of SHAPE America or will join upon receiving this award.
  • Be an undergraduate student, attending an institution of higher learning, who is preparing for a vocation in health, physical education, recreation and/or dance and is NOT employed full time in related fields. This includes areas referred to by other titles, such as Kinesiology and Human Performance.
  • Complete and submit Proof of College/University Enrollment, with form provided.

Maureen McBride Application Form

 Application Form Word file

Contact Cathy Patzner for more information or to return your application: