Illinois College
Jacksonville, IL 

Friday, March 7, 2025
8:30 am – 2:30 pm


Registration for this event is $50 and can be done in the membership portal under the "Events" link or by downloading and sending in the form below.

7:45 – 8:15     Registration and Check-In

8:15 – 8:30     Welcome


8:30 – 10:30 (Double Session)

Using Adventure Education to Build Connection, Communication, and Fun into your classes.

Nicole Miller – Glenbard East High School

                          Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation Illinois Teacher of the Year

This session will be an experiential based workshop to understand how to implement adventure activities/curriculum into your Physical Education Program.  We will be focusing on connection, communication, and cooperative activities.  We will be sharing the sequencing of activities for a week, a unit, or a semester class. Adventure Education will change your life and the lives of your students. 

·         Building teamwork and cooperation

·         Improving physical strength, endurance, and agility

·         Enhancing mental toughness, resilience, and problem-solving skills

·         Promoting outdoor activity and appreciation of nature

·         Boosting confidence and self-esteem

·         Encouraging leadership skills


10:30 – 11:30

Yoga Series:Sun Saluatations and Warriors

Sarah Buck – Chicago State University

                        IAHPERD Past VP for Adults

                        Illinois Journal Editor

Learn and practice a Sun Salutation sequence plus the 5 Warrior sequence.                    


11:30 –12:30


Bill Casey – Neuqua Valley High School

                      IAHPERD Chief Technology Officer

Learn more about the membership portal, website, virtual programming (IAHPERD U, Let’s Talk About, IAHPERD Chat, Book Club, Summer Conference), and other membership benefits such as IAHPERD U, health.moves.minds fundraising, Program Enhancement grants, McBride Scholarship program to attend SHAPE America National Convention, Teacher of the Year awards, Presenters Network, and more. 


12:30 – 1:00   Door Prize Drawings

                        Evaluations and Check Out

                        (4 Professional Development Hours)

P.O. Box 865
Alton, IL 62002
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