IAHPERD Research Grant
Guidelines. Due date February 15. Preference for funding will be given to research linked to K-12 age group. Applicants must be current members of IAHPERD. Current IAHPERD Executive Board members and those who served on the Board within the last five years are ineligible for grant funding.
Grant limit will be $5000.00.
Grants that request more than $5000.00 will not be eligible for review.
- Application - Complete the application forms here.
- Title page – Project title, Name of applicant
- Describe the research project- a total of no more than 6 double spaced pages. This description should include an abstract, introduction, procedures/methods, evaluation process, and bibliography. Please provide rationale and justification for why IAHPERD should fund the proposal.
- Budget – include a detailed budget with justification. Also include indirect costs and any other support funding. Indirect costs shall not exceed 3% of the total budget.
- Budget line item -Travel funds (may not exceed $500). The spirit of the travel money is twofold: 1) provide funds for travel needed to conduct the research and 2) provide funds for travel to present the research at the IAHPERD Convention.
- The funds shall not be used for travel to national conventions.
- Budget line item -Travel funds (may not exceed $500). The spirit of the travel money is twofold: 1) provide funds for travel needed to conduct the research and 2) provide funds for travel to present the research at the IAHPERD Convention.
Proposals should be emailed to Mark Kattenbraker, Chair - IAHPERD Grants Review Committee. mskattenbraker@eiu.edu
The IAHPERD Grants Review Committee will review all eligible grant applications and forward recommendations for funding to the IAHPERD Executive Board. The Executive Board will vote on the recommendations at its April meeting. The outcome of the vote will be communicated to all applicants within one week of the April meeting.
All recipients must either present a summary of the project at the IAHPERD Convention or submit an article about the research to the IAHPERD Journal within three years after receipt of the award. If presenting at the IAHPERD Convention, all presenters must pay convention registration.
Grants shall only be awarded to the same recipient for a period of two consecutive years.
For more information please call or email Dr. Mark Kattenbraker.
Eastern Illinois University
2506 Lantz Arena
Charleston, Illinois 61920
Phone: (217) 581-2215
Email: mskattenbraker@eiu.edu