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Outstanding Teachers and Administrators
Teachers of the Year
Meet our 2024 Teachers and Administrators of the year. Do you know someone who should be nomintated for next year? Nominate Teachers here and Administrators here.

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We are on X (formerly Twitter) once a month with new topics to discuss and ideas to share. Check out our regularly updated schedule below
Professional Opportunities
Grant & Scholarship Opportunities
Junior and Senior college undergraduates in the profession may apply for one of the six annual scholarships available
Earned Recognition
Teacher of the Year
Administrator Award
This award is for school and district administrators who have shown outstanding advocacy and support for health, physical education, and/or dance.
Steinhaus Professional Associate
Quarter Century
Service Award
Given to continuous members who shown outstanding service to the profession.
Pop Horton Award
Honor Award
Awarded to continuous members who have made significant contributions to the IAHPERD organization.