Shape Up Illinois
WHY should I participate?
As HPE professionals we are all well aware that decisions made by legislators affect our students, our programs, our funding and our school communities so,
- We need to show our passion and our grasp of the issues affecting our schools
- We need passionate volunteers to deliver thoughtful, professional, fact-driven, and information about local control issues, physical education, student SEL, neuroscience and the impact that the COVID-19 has had on students and programs
- We need to continue to be ‘a presence’ in Springfield and be a voice for our students and fellow professionals
- We need to continue to educate the legislators about the importance of what we do and why the students of Illinois need quality, daily physical education.
Once again, WE NEED IAHPERD members to ‘take a day’ to do what we do best…… the passion that we have for our profession.
WHO can attend?
Any Premier IAHPERD member, in ‘good standing’, who is willing to advocate for our students and programs is welcome to join us for our Shape Up Illinois event.
WHAT will I be asked to do?
You may need to drive to Springfield the night before but this may not be necessary for some participants because of their proximity to Springfield or their desire to drive to Springfield the morning of the event. Before coming to Springfield, everyone will be given the ‘tools’ necessary to have a successful day at the Capitol (talking points, information and statistics). You will also be asked to contact your legislators to set up an individual appointment with them. Once at the Capitol, participants will begin to meet with legislators and/or their aides (you can go in pairs or by yourself) to educate, advocate and lobby. Once we have completed our tasks, we will do a short de-briefing of our day and then we should have everyone on their way home no later than 1:30pm.
WHAT will it cost me?
NOTHING. IAHPERD will reimburse you for mileage or train fare (at the Amtrak Value Price) and, if you are staying overnight, your hotel bill.
***Due to hotel space limitations, the number of registrants is limited and will taken on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis****
.If you have any questions, contact Laura Nussle at (630)880-7974 or