Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
Welcome to the Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment page. We have organized information thatwe believe will be useful to HPE professionals. Information that both ‘Basic Members’ and ‘Premier Members’ can access is noted on the page below. ‘Premier Members’ will have access to additional curriculum templates, lessons and assessments using the membership portal. The Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (CIA) Committee maintains the information provided on this page. If you have interest and you would like to be a part of this committee or are looking for other information pertaining to this subject matter, please contact Will Navis (
CIA General Information Section
- Illinois Physical Development and Health Goals and Standards (Illinois Health and PE Goals andStandards are combined into one set)
- ISBE PDH: Goals, Standards, Performance Descriptors, Resources, Sex Ed Learning Standards
- ISBE PDH: Performance Descriptors for each Goal, Standard and Grade-Level Tiers
- National Health Education Standards
SHAPE America has shared that they, along with their partners in the health education field, are officially in the beginning stages of revising the National Health Education Standards (NHES). SHAPE America acquired the copyright to the NHES from the American Cancer Society in late 2020.
SHAPE America will review all recommendations and present a suggested final roster to the SHAPE
America Board of Directors and our partner organizations in this work. We will then reach out to individuals to inquire about their willingness to serve. The task force is anticipated to begin working in July 2021. - Comprehensive School Wellness Programs - Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (PECAT) - Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) - Best Practices fact sheets
- Physical Education Best Practices (IAHPERD fact sheet) - Health Education Best Practices (IAHPERD fact sheet)
- SHAPE America guidelines (appropriate vs inappropriate practices)
- Physical Education Best Practices (IAHPERD fact sheet)
- Illinois Social Emotional Learning Standards
- Health Education/SEL Crosswalk
- Download a free copy by using this link
- Download a free copy by using this link
- Health Education Resource
- RMC Health
- Physical Education Web Resources
- The Phys Ed Depot: - Kevin Tiller: - OPEN(Online PE Network) - Jarrod the PE Geek - CBHPE (Collaboration Builds Health and Physical Education) - a resource hub for Health and Physical Educators (M. Foellmer and B. Foellmer)
- The Phys Ed Depot:
More Info. Online
At the present time, using the Membership Portal, Premier Members can access lessons that we have uploaded to the Curriculum section. We are in the process of uploading more CIA resources…….so check back to see what has been added!